Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Brick and morter or online?

which business is better e.g should person set out to form the next walmart or the next

which one earns more money e.g

brick and morter or online

Brick and morter or online?
How about both? Better, beyond "Brick and morter or online", think of financial service for one (not for every one though).

An answer provided by
Reply:I have to disagree with the first post. I believe online is the way to go. No rent, no commute... just you and your computer.

Plus, when considering the short amount of time that it would take to make a good amount of money online, it would take a lot longer to do that via brick %26amp; morter.

Online all the way!!! :)
Reply:Brick and Morter, tried and tested well over a period. Conventional way, where as on line business is thing evolved very recently. Shall become strong mode of business transaction.

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