Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Is there a way a banks online banking can save pending transactions until they actually post?

I use online banking to watch my checking account. Most of my purchases are made with my debit card any others would be made with checks that I have carbon copies of. I depend on online banking to keep up with my balance and activity.

Back to the question at hand....

My bank has a pending section that shows all your debits that have not yet posted to the account. For example, one day there will be a transaction pending (one that has not yet posted to the account) and the next day it will be gone and also not in your posted transactions. The bank says if the business where you spent this money does not send in the claim right away it will not stay in the pending section. Isn't there some way to just keep it in pending transactions until the claim comes and posts? Thus, keeping your balance in a constant updated state.

Is there a way a banks online banking can save pending transactions until they actually post?
It would be nice if banks made a way for us to customize how our transactions are displayed. I worked in customer service for a bank and have spoken with customers who, like yourself, wanted their transactions to display differently. Only the bank I worked at let the pending items show for up to three weeks, even if the customer immediately canceled the purchase. So, in our case, the pending items took too long to drop off. Using online records of activity can be such a hassle that, anymore, I save all of my receipts and immediately record everything in a ledger of my own that I have created. It takes extra time unfortunately, but I know to the penny how much money I have in my checking account regardless of what is pending online.
Reply:I definitely know where you're coming from with this. I was in banking for over 6 years and have dealt with every problem under the sun! I understand what your bank has told you - if the vendor doesn't process the transaction in a timely manner it won't show up as "pending" after a certain period of time. Now, as for your question - is there some way they can keep your pending transactions somewhere? Of course! Unfortunately the software/system your bank utilizes doesn't show it and this translates into the responsibility falling on you to keep an accurate balance. Anything's possible if it's set up that way but unfortunately for you, the customer, it's more of a confusion. Sounds like their online banking is not very user-friendly...

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