I live in california and I want to open a small online store that sells toys like san-x and others. Many of the stores I've asked for wholesale said that I need to provide a sales tax license or Tax ID and business license. How do I get them? How much do the usually cost? How much are taxes? How often do I have to pay taxes? How old do you have to be? I'm 16.
Sales tax license? Tax ID? business license?
There are many steps in starting a business.
Most likely your business will be a sole-proprietorship. That's the easiest and simplist business to start.
But first, if the business will have a name different than yours, and chances are it will, you will have to file a ficticious name statement or DBA (Doing Business As) statement in the county where the buisiness will reside.
Then after that you will have to find out what licenses and permits are necessary. These will vary depending on what kind of business you want to start, and the county in which you reside.
There is a "CalGold" website that can give you a lot of information regarding what you will need.
Then finally, you have to contact the IRS aout getting your Federal Tax ID. This is like a social security number for your business, and is necessary if you are going to be selling merchandise and collecting sales taxes. And you will be collecting sales taxes on cutomers that live in California. You can go to the IRS website and download their form SS-4, to apply for the Federal Tax ID.
And lastly, the minimum age to start a sole-proprietorship is 18. You can either wait two years to begin, of if they are willing, you can have your parents do the paper work for you.
Reply:go onto your state's web site and look for the comptrollers link. it will tell you all you need to know. there is no charge for a license.
Reply:I believe you have to be at least 18 to obtain a business license. It is illegal to operate a business without one.
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