I am looking to be a sports promoter and I can't seem to find anything simple online here. I am hoping some one out there knows these things. I just want to get a business license and also I would like to know where to get a permit for venues so I can put on shows (Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Wrestling, etc). If there is anything else I need, please inform me, thank you.
Where can I get a New York Business license?
For Business Licenses in New York, go to the official state government website http://www.nysegov.com/citGuide.cfm?supe...
For general information on Starting a business in New York , check out http://www.nylovessmallbusiness.com/star...
As for venue permit, check the respective cities. In New York City for example, the Mayors Office of Film, Theatre and Broadcasting (MOFTB) processes permits for all red carpet, film, television and theatre events http://www.nyc.gov/html/film/html/permit...
Reply:Try asking someone there that has some knowledge of that subject, especially on Business Licenses.
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