I have a store online,selling fashion clothing ,footwear ,handbags and accessories,my factory is in China.our products are mainly exported to UK,USA,France,Canada,etc.Now I want to expand the UK market,want to keep business with more UK businessmen.What should I do if I want to let more UK buyers visit my website?
Give me a suggestion about business?
First you should not use other peoples Trademarks without qualification.
I suggest you add the word 'Fake' or 'Looks like' or 'Similar to' for each item - for example, 'Fake Adidas' or 'Looks like Nike', 'Similar to Armani' etc.
Next you site is SOOOO SLOOOOOW to load images - perhaps the pages should 'default' to text (description) with a 'hot link' to the images ... and it's too difficult to find prices ... (I followed footwear and ended up on a page that started with prices for Jeans !)
Finally I suggest adding a 'disclaimer' to avoid Customers complaining when their shoes fall apart or the dye in the jeans runs in the rain etc ... I suggest something like ..
'The Products shown here are intended for display purposes only. In particular it should be noted that items described as 'footwear' or 'clothing' are unsuitable for use outside the home.'
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