Sunday, August 22, 2010

What is doing business with a Scientology affiliated company really like?

I can't find any straight answers on this. Looks like there are people online with a serious axe to grind. Do they treat people any different than a non scientology affiliated business? Do they subscribe to some management model peculiar to themselves? Are promotions blocked or difficult for non-scientologist people? I have a dear friend who is considering employment with a company commonly known to be COS affiliated and is a little hesitant. She fears that if it turns out to be cult like and quits, "they" will try to sue her or use something heavy handed. I think that it's okay and most people think it's some freaky cult like experience. What do those of you with personal experiences know?

What is doing business with a Scientology affiliated company really like?
Horrific. Scientology is a cult that uses high paid lawyers to get what they want %26amp; counteract any bad publicity. That's why it's illegal in some countries.
Reply:frankly my dear......... I don't give a damn!

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