In real life, I'm not the leader type. Such as I don't know how to decide or command a group of people. Online I can command groups of people to do different things and organize a bunch of things. Such as when I play online games, I am able to lead my clan through battles. In past in school I'm just laid back, provide ideas, they don't like it, screw them.
I need to become a better leader in reality since my major is going to be business management. I gotta learn to lead groups of people. How can improve as a leader in real life? At least I am a leader when it comes to choices, I do not follow the crowd.
Why am I a better leader online? How do I change this?
you don't become a leader in an instant. you can improve. you must experience. and yes, you are on the right start, that is, wanting to become a leader. everything shall follow then.
if i will tell you how to become a leader, i'll just consume thousands of words.
but here's one tip,
you must have the vision. you must have the ability to influence people into fulfilling this vision.
by the way, you're not an average American boy, you are unique for the fact that we came from different spermatozoa. lol
have a nice day!
Reply:i agreet with TOM. online u dont care what the other people think. in real life u dont want people think that ur a bad at doing something.
Reply:I have been thinking of this too - I am reluctant to lead as I have been involved in self help groups communes and worker co-operatives all of my life and now I need to lead because the sevice user movement has so little clout and we need to build a real movement -and somehow I have to look at the politics of it. I believe in equality no leaders no stars but can see that there are times of need for someone to step into the breach. I think one of the things for me is to stay level headed and think thiis is not me this is a performance that I am making for a specific end and I am not going to lose my easy-going respectful self . My partner will remeber who I relaly am and get em back to myself again.So I suppose seeing it as a game but being really sure of my morality and what I am doing it for and how I can go in htere without compromising myself.
Reply:do the same thing your doing online but just in person. it might not be as easy as online but give it a try.
Reply:You are right, in some people having eye to eye contacts are more difficault than having virtual relations.
As i understand in your situation, you have a problem in showing yourself and expressing your ideas and your abilities in real life, may be because you are shy or something like that, but in virtual relations when you don't afraid of shying or etc. then you can show yourself and your abilities
Reply:Get off online games. Internet leadership can be achieved by anybody. Just apply the same ethos.
You are a CT with an M4 and 2 Flashes.
Kill them terrorists
Reply:the fact that you can make autonomous (independent) decisions alone shows that you can be a leader. and that you can command clans and teams online shows that you have skill in you that is yet to be released. you have it in you, what you need is to work on your assertiveness skills, and also your communication skills. start slow and you get somewhere eventually
best regards and season greetings
Reply:probalby because you dont really care how people online view you, rather than in real life you wanna be accepted?
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